Thursday, March 29, 2012


Ya'll. The most amazing thing 
ever has happened.

We got chickens!!

They are just so great. I have 8 new friends!
I've only named 4 of them.... Gloria. Jimmer. Scrapper(Scraps). & Twitch.
There's 3 White ones, and 5 Black ones!
I absolutely adore them!

Sunday, March 18, 2012


                       Me and my bestest friend ever (Amy Nicholls) have made a Bucket List of 25 things to do during the summer when she arrives back to St. Geezy!! When will we do these things? Between June 7th and August 31st! Think we can do it? I do!! It's gonna be great..I can just feel it! Here it is...!(:

1: Go to Denny's!
2: Go to Del Taco!
3: Disney Movie Marathon!
4: Make tons of movies!
5: Mom Makes Cheesy Eggs!
6: Revamp old D.I. clothes into cute ones!
7: Bike rides!
8: GET TAN!!!
9: Be kissed by a boy? ;)
10: Vegas baby!
11: Pizza Pretzels, pudding pop, all on top of Dixie Rock!
12: Camping! (Legit..not in the backyard)
13: Mini Golf!
14: Photo Booth at the Mall!
15: Chuck Marathon!
16: Sidewalk chalk!
17: Go to the lake...lots!
18: La Freakin Goon! (Aimes has never been!)
19: Make a fort!
20: Go on an "inspiration" photo shoot all day long!!
21: Get a pedicure & facial!
22: Read the WHOLE B.O.M.!
23: Make a pie!
24: Make a painting, frame it, hang it!
25: Go shootin!

So, here's what we're gonna do! We are going to take pictures doing all of these wonderful adventures THEN we will either make a "Memory Quilt" or a scrapbook, or BOTH! I want both (: I feel we really need to do this, because who knows where either of us are going to be at in a year? Either one of us could move, get engaged...who knows!! We need to preserve old times (:

Can I just tell ya'll how excited I am to have these adventures with my best friend since 2nd grade!(: I am so excited for Aimo to finally come home. ONLY 79 MORE DAYS!! This time is gonna fly. At least it better. Or I'll kick father time in the face. 


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

MY 20TH BIRTHDAY!...wait.....Whaaa?

Holy crap. I'm 20. 20! I feel old. Too old. 

Well, to kick this story off, I threw myself a party (with my momma's help!). I just had it in my little basement, but it was such fun(: 

The theme you ask?....heh heh....RYAN GOSLING ;) what a hunk. 

The festivities began with playing Egyptian Rat party is complete without it!
Then! Apples to Apples
That caused a few good laughs (:
More games were played such as...the hand game, psychiatrist, AAAND "Plant One On Ryan Gosling.........or Betty White..;D"
We all (yes even the guys) wore red lipstick, a blind fold, and went for it! ;) haha. Miss Katelyn won..don't know what she won, but she won!
It all continued with just having fun, listening to music, opening presents. Eventually it dwindled down to just Sam, Kylee, my brother and I. That was fun, exhausting, but fun.(:
Sam Walker (:

Kylee Cox (:

Wyatt (:


Money to buy TOMS!

His name is Jaws 2!

 And a few other things from friends that I absolutely LOVE! haha. 

I just want to thank everyone who came and celebrated me getting old! And I especially want to thank my family for everything they do so I can have a good time (:

Sunday, March 4, 2012

2012..BRING IT.

At the beginning of this year I finally enrolled myself at Dixie State College!  It has only been 2 months, but I'm lovin' it! The homework is time consuming..but it's worth it.  I love all the new friends I've made, and all the experiences I've had and yet to have.  I can't wait to see what this year brings.  I can just feel that it's going to be a good one! I have set many goals for myself this year, not neccesarily to achieve in this precise year, but in my life time.

2012 Goal 1: Find a man...but do not rush anything!
2012 Goal 2: Lose weight and make it down to a size 10 or 8.
2012 Goal 3: Find a job that will take me through college.
2012 Goal 4: Take a photography class in the summer.

Life Goal 1: Get married to the man of my dreams.
Life Goal 2: Open up my own photography shop.
Life Goal 3: Travel back to New York to see Broadway!
Life Goal 4: Have kids.
Life Goal 5: Be the best daughter, sister, friend, mother, wife, everything..I can be!
Life Goal 6: Enjoy life while it lasts.

I have many more small goals and things I want to achieve, these are just the major ones!

A lot of people have asked me why I have finally decided to go back to school...well. You see, over the past year, since last January, I have jumped from job to job. Determined to NOT go to school. I wanted to just be in the work field. I started my journey at Gallian & Wilcox Law Firm as a receptionist. I was only a temp for the temp..but I loved working there. It was such an inviting place with many nice people. I made a very nice friend there, and I hope to know her for the rest of my life (: 
Due to that job only being temporary, I searched for another job and found it at Zion Chiropractic. I learned a few things there about life and people, I also made a couple of very choice friends there, who are great people. And I wouldn't give them up for anything! You know who you are ;) I worked at Zion's for about 6 months then followed my feet to other life lessons.  I was out of work for about 2 weeks, until an answer to my prayers came..Bell Photography. I loved this job. It required a lot of very early mornings, I'm talkin' like 4:30 in the morning drives to Hurricane. But ya know, I didn't mind those drives, it gave me a lot of time to reflect on my life and the people in it. Which was much needed. Unfortunately, this wonderful job was only seasonal. :( But, it's alright. It was a blessing in disquise. After looking for a job for months, the thought of going to school kept creeping into my head, I would shut it out as fast as it came. But, after weeks of this happening, I finally decided to give it some thought. I decided, who am I to not better myself with education? Therefore, I made the decision to enroll at Dixie State. I haven't yet regretted it at all. I love it. Although, I can't wait for Spring Break.;)

Anyway, that, my dear friends, is my life thus far.