Monday, October 22, 2012


I really love this quote. 
I've seen it before but it didn't really stand out. 
I just came across it again this morning, 
and I simply love it.
Some people are going to take this quote in 
a way of saying "well, I'm in my 20's, I get to be stupid, and party, and have sex with everyone!"...Just no. 
This is not what this quote means. 
It means immerse yourself in culture, in art. 
It means to find YOU.
Even if you think you've already found yourself, 
you probably haven't. 
Because everyone is constantly changing and growing.
And forming new opinions, having new experiences, 
and learning about the world.
My personal little thing I like to do, is to end each day, 
lying in bed (or where ever I choose to sleep) and think
 "What have I learned today?"  
By doing this, I feel I find myself a little more each day, 
even the days where I feel completely lost and confused about life.
I really encourage every young adult, whether your single 
or in a relationship, to continue to learn about the world. 
Do not be ignorant and say 'I don't care'...because the truth is, 
not having an opinion is childish. 
Even though being a kid is freaking awesome, it's nice to be an adult sometimes, too.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Alright kids, here's what I've learned this past week...

I've learned that age does not make you mature. It's your life style. Your choices. Basically everything, but your age.  You can say you're a man all day long, but, guess what? Actions definitely speak louder than words. So, don't be a knuckle head, and try to convince people that you're an adult. Cause you sound ridiculous.

Also, girls, if you're ever in a situation where you're interested in a guy, and you're still getting to know him, but you're family is not liking him....always choose your family. Don't even think of choosing that guy. Because, more than likely, that boy doesn't give a single care about you, but your family would die for you in an instant. Just like you should do for them.

And boys, treat girls and their families with respect. And don't be a child. 

Basically, lets all try a little harder, each day, to not be stupid. It'd be great.

That is all.