Friday, November 30, 2012


Life is good, isn't it? (:

I think for the first time in my life,
 I have nothing holding me back, 
well except lack of money. 
But, I have no burnt bridges that can't be fixed. 
At least, in my opinion.
I have things to look forward to. 
There is no drama in my life. 
(knocking on wood as I said that)
I have a wonderful family.
Great friends.
A religion that makes me so happy.
I'm just in love.
With life.

That is all.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Okay, whoa. So, not gonna lie...the person that I wanted to 
see the least...okay, that's seriously sugar-coating it. 
This person....I never want to see them again. 
They are dead to me. 
Blunt enough? Eh, it'll do.
Well, they decided to come back into town, probably for the holidays 
or whatever, I don't care, cause B... I don't know their life! 
And instead of going to their own family ward, 
came to MY ward. Uhm..that's my turf, mmk? 
Back off. 
Go back from where ever you came from. 
(Please know, I have a huge attitude right ghetto attitude...)
 Okay, the moral of the story......

My friend Melissa, she had texted me before I got there 
letting me know this person was there. 
At first I panicked a little. 
My first reaction was to not go. 
After freaking out and talking to my mom
 about it, I decided 
'you know what? I look hot today! And I ain't lettin them have that power over me! Nuh uh.'
So, I went. I was EVERYBODY noticed me 
walk in..including this said person. 

Okay, I'm really getting somewhere with this...promise.

Through out the whole Sacrement meeting I kept getting
 heated up, and kept day dreaming about me walking up and 
just slapping them across the face and saying 'Not in my house!' 
and freakin walking away. 
But, being in church and all, I figured it wouldn't 
be appropriate ;) 
But for reals, I was so mad, I couldn't even begin to invite the spirit in...
nor could I tell you what the speakers talked about. 
Guys, I don't get mad often. Or easily. 
That's all I'm sayin.   
But after the meeting was over, they left, and I stayed. 
And you know what? I felt great that I didn't let them have that control over me....
I mean, I almost missed church because of this person.
 Aint nobody got time for that!

What I'm gettin at is..don't ever let anyone have the 
satisfaction of 'making you stay home'. 
Get out there  and show them you're loving life. 
And that they can't affect you. 
Hold your head up high, and own it.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Not gonna lie, I had a sufficient freak out last night 
when Obama won. 
I cried for about 20 minutes, 
while fighting hyperventilating. 
But then a friend called to calm me down. 
Which was good!
Because then I started to just chill. 
But then of course, ya know my brain, 
it doesn't do 'chill' very easily. 
After getting a coke and an all american 
apple pie from McDonald's 
(come on guys, can't get any more American than that haha)
I freaked again, and put the house on lock down.
 (I'm crazy sometimes)
I went to bed stressed out beyond belief. 
But, at about 7:30 ish this morning my 
daddy came in to wake me up 
to tell me everything is going to be okay. 
That nothing is going to change 
with in our family. Because we're a strong,
 close, tight knit, family. 
And if anything major goes wrong, 
we have guns and food storage(:

What I'm gettin at here....we all need to take a prozac 
and calm the crap down!
There is nothing we can do to change the 
predicament our country is in. 
All we can do, is pray. It's in His hands now. 
So have faith.  
My dad also said to me this morning....
"What's Christ's main commandment?
 If ye love me keep my commandments. 
Well, one of the commandments almost 
everyone breaks be of good cheer. 
Because He will take care of us."
You guys, it's true. God will not let anything happen 
to us that we can not handle. 
Because He loves us too much!

I'm still so overly thankful to live in this 
wonderful country. 
We are still the world's greatest country! 
We just have a crappy president. 
We will get through these 
next 4 years. Will it be hard? 
Yes. Of course. 
But ya know what? 
When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
 And we're AMERICANS. We're built TOUGH
So lets get going!

That is all.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


You know what fascinates me? People. They're weird....just straight up weird. 

I like to notice people's odd ticks or habits. Why they do the things they do.  
It can be quite entertaining.

Also, it's fun to watch people interact with other people. Some people over do it, and 
some people hardly put any effort into making friends.
Some are annoying. Some are awesome. 
Some are both, annoying and awesome.
That leads me to saying...what makes a person annoying?
Where do we learn to know that someone is annoying?
Or that someone is cool?
It's so strange to me...

Another aspect of people that intrigues me will never find someone who 
doesn't have some aspect of a flaw in them.
But, some how, we learn to put aside some of these flaws and 
annoyances to have friends..and/or significant other.

People are an odd species.

That is all.