It hurts to lose friends.
Especially, when they choose to abandon you because
you're not afraid to say how it is. Or, they can't take
a simple joke, and holds an irrational grudge.
Or, because it's just not convenient any more.
Or, because you are who you are, and will not back
down from a fight if it means defending yourself.
Well, here's what I have to say.
I will not apologize for speaking the truth.
I will not apologize for having a sense of humor.
I will not apologize for having self respect.
I have done all I can to try and repair a mess
that isn't my doing.
I have apologized for things that weren't mine
to apologize for.
I'm done, now.
All of the ugly things that happen with 'friends',
makes me only more grateful for the true and good
friends I have. The friends that won't mind if I
speak frankly out of love. Especially, when they
do the same for me. The friends that are always
my friend, through good and bad.
The friends who will laugh with me, not at me(:
The friends who are supportive.
The friends who love me for me.
I love my friends ladies and gents.
I may not see them every day.
But, I still love their faces (:
May we all find at least one true friend.
Because, life would certainly be dull without them.