Sunday, May 27, 2012


Let us please, not take it for granted.

Everything that has happened this weekend with the plane wreck tragedy has yet again, put some perspective of how fragile and beautiful life is. And how we should always live like today is our last day. And to not be afraid to live

My heart aches for the families of the victims of this tragedy. It hurts to have a loved one ripped out of your life without any warning, and so unexpectedly. I pray for them and their well-being. 

Out of the victims I only knew Jordan Chapman. I will not claim to be one of his best friends, or one of his friends at all. But, I do remember him from high school. He always had a huge smile to give to anyone. Such a nice guy. He will be missed by this community. May he rest in peace, and may God bless his family.  

Friday, May 25, 2012


1: Go to Den's.
2: Go to Del Taco.
3: Disney Movie Marathon.
4: Make tons of movies.
5: Mom Makes Cheesy Eggs.
6: Revamp old D.I. clothes into cute ones.
7: Bike rides.
8: GET TAN!!!
9: Be kissed by a boy? ;)
10: Vegas baby.
11: Pizza, Pretzels, pudding, pop, all on top of Dixie Rock.
12: Camping. (Legit..not in the backyard)
13: Mini Golf.
14: Photo Booth at the Mall.
15: Drake and Josh Marathon.
16: Sidewalk chalk.
17: Go to the lake...lots.
18: La Freakin Goon. (Aimes has never been!)
19: Make a fort.
20: Go on an "inspiration" photo shoot all day long.
21: Get a pedicure & facial.
22: Read the WHOLE B.O.M.
23: Make a pie.
24: Make a painting, frame it, hang it.
25: Go shootin.



Here's the thing. I like being the person that a lot of people don't know how to handle. I like creating awkward situations. I like saying things for shock value, just to see the other person's face. I like to tell tall tales, make them believe it, then say 'just kidding'. I like to type with only periods..hardly exclamation points, so then who ever reads what I write, can take it the way they want. I like to tell the truth, no matter the situation. If looking for an honest answer, no matter how hard it be, I'm the person to come to. I like to talk about random subjects. I like to say poop. Some times, I like to over think things. I like to stare at people in the car next to me. I like to ask people at stop lights random questions, example, what time is it? Do you have a dog? My cat has 9 whiskers. I like to say things that are funny, then don't laugh, so it makes the other person second guess if it's funny or not. I like to say weiner, it's a funny word okay. I like being me. (:

Friday, May 18, 2012


As many of you know I work at Pizza Factory Express! I love it there. It's so much fun, and there's great people. (:  But, something I'm not too fond of is grumpy and rude customers.  One thing I've learned is the way you treat people who work in food and retail really shows who you are.  And also, the customer is not always right, which is hard sometimes, because as an employee you just have to grin and bear it and try not to smack them across the face. ;)   So, just a word of advice so none of us become that "rude customer"..always be nice.  Whether you're in a bad or good mood.  Because, everyone is on a hard journey called LIFE. And, also, they DO handle your product....especially in food. Be NICE. I've never seen this happen at Pizza Factory (heavens no!) but I've worked at other food places and I have actually seen an employee spit in a customer's food, just because the customer was rude. I'm just sayin....I, personally,  wouldn't want to risk that ;) 

Anyway, other than the occasional grumpy customer, life is good at good ole PF..and outside of PF. 


Sunday, May 13, 2012


Mother. Mom. Madre. Mamma. Mammina. Mum. Moeder. Ana. Ama. Mare. Majka. Mor. Patrino. Ema. Ina. Mutter. Ibu. Mathair. Mater. Matka. Majka. 

These all mean the same thing..Mother. It doesn't matter what language we speak or where we are from, we  all have a best friend and her name is Mom. 

To me, mother means best friend, example, beautiful, funny, confidence, care-giver, caring, understanding, and so much more. My mom is my ultimate best friend. She has and is always there for me no matter what I say or do. She still loves me. I'm not always the most pleasant person to be around, but she still puts up with me. It's especially nice considering I'm 20 and still live at home..;) I love my mom to the stars and back. She is my example of what to do.  Whether it be an emergency, a life decision, or a  spiritual decision. I think "Would mama approve of this??" Although, some times I don't listen to her and I end up on my butt with my tail between my legs, I always learn my lesson in the end because of her.  

My mom has taught me many things. Confidence. Charity. Kindness. Laughter. Sense of Humor. How to be a friend, even when your friends aren't friends. How to get through the tough times. To keep my head up and don't cry. And that sometimes, a good cry is what you need. She has taught me how to have faith in God and in His son. She has taught me to listen to the Holy Ghost when He speaks. She has taught me how to be  a faithful woman of the church. She has taught me how to love those who are not easy to love.  She has taught me to see the world in a different way than most, how to see the beauty and the simplicity of it all. My mom is amazing. I have no clue to what I would do without her and I refuse to think of such things. 

Also, might I add, I am very grateful that she feeds me. I have been home alone this weekend and I have nothing to eat except cereal and good old Carl's and Denny's. (I need to learn to cook.) It really opened up my eyes to how much she provides for me.  In many different ways.

I love you mama.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Okay. It's decided. I'm going on a mission. I've been thinking about it for a couple of years..debating whether or not if I could hack it.  I've put a lot of thought into it, and a lot of prayer...and I've came up with this answer. I'm going on a mission as of right's still a whole year a way.  Most of my friends (those who I have told) and family think I'm going to get married/in a serious relationship before it even begins to roll around. That may happen, who knows.  I have decided that if that does happen, then I will put off the mission until I'm grey and old with hubby(: Although, I personally, have little faith in my dating life in the near future..BUT, there are some boys I have my eye on ;) heh. Aaand we're not gonna go into that part of my life, because that's quite uneventful. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Just a thought...We, as women, expect way too much from men.  

We're always saying what we want in men. Whether it be physical, spiritual, or mental wants. We always always have our opinions, wants, and needs.  But, what we don't realize is that what we want, is what we need to be. For example, if you want a good man with high standards with the same religion as you..then you MUST meet your expectations for him. Therefore...Good mormon man, you must be a good mormon woman.  You want him to be thoughtful, you must be thoughtful.  Because, the truth of the matter is, opposites rarely attract.  We must be what he is looking for you, too.  And if we are, when we meet Mr. Right, it will all just align perfectly.  I've never experienced this, but I know that's how it works. It just does. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

LIFE: My teacher...

There are only a few things that I have learned just by living and breathing,  but I cherish these lessons with all my heart. Without them I would be slightly lost in this big ole' world!

First, I have learned that whether you agree with it or not, you should just accept a compliment. Do not argue with the person giving it. You only insult their opinion if you do so.  The quote "You are what you're told." has always stuck with me. Only because it's true. If someone told you that you were ugly everyday you would believe them, wouldn't you? There is power in what we say and do. That is why we must always be kind and loving. We must not be afraid to pay a compliment to a friend of stranger, because that could be their saving grace. 

Also, a quote I found on Pinterest (typical girl? yes.) "You're not as fat as you think you are. And even if you are, who cares?"   I only found this recently and it sent chills down my spine and believe it or not, made me a little misty eyed.  I have never had a problem with how I look until recently. I've been listening to the world too much instead of God's love. This little quote woke me up. I once again realized that being heavy is not a curse, it is not an ugly trait, and it is not who you are.  It's only a body.  After all, the body isn't what counts, it's your spirit. Your soul. What you think. What you feel. THAT is what counts. Nothing else. Period.

The words, "Keep It Simple"...ring in my head every day.  It is my life motto.  To me, it means to not stress, to not over think...and just go with it! I still work at this every day, being a female makes it difficult ;)

"If you love someone, tell him or her.  Forget about the rules or the fear of looking ridiculous.  What is truly ridiculous is passing up on an opportunity to tell someone that your heart is invested in him or her". I again only found this quote just the other day. But it spoke to me so strongly, because it is exactly how I think.  I have always wondered why people (including myself) are so afraid of showing their feelings and thoughts.  I think it's because it makes us vulnerable...easy to hurt.  No one likes being in that state..but if we do not put ourselves out there every once in awhile, what will we gain?