There are only a few things that I have learned just by living and breathing, but I cherish these lessons with all my heart. Without them I would be slightly lost in this big ole' world!
First, I have learned that whether you agree with it or not, you should just accept a compliment. Do not argue with the person giving it. You only insult their opinion if you do so. The quote "You are what you're told." has always stuck with me. Only because it's true. If someone told you that you were ugly everyday you would believe them, wouldn't you? There is power in what we say and do. That is why we must always be kind and loving. We must not be afraid to pay a compliment to a friend of stranger, because that could be their saving grace.
Also, a quote I found on Pinterest (typical girl? yes.) "You're not as fat as you think you are. And even if you are, who cares?" I only found this recently and it sent chills down my spine and believe it or not, made me a little misty eyed. I have never had a problem with how I look until recently. I've been listening to the world too much instead of God's love. This little quote woke me up. I once again realized that being heavy is not a curse, it is not an ugly trait, and it is not who you are. It's only a body. After all, the body isn't what counts, it's your spirit. Your soul. What you think. What you feel. THAT is what counts. Nothing else. Period.
The words, "Keep It Simple"...ring in my head every day. It is my life motto. To me, it means to not stress, to not over think...and just go with it! I still work at this every day, being a female makes it difficult ;)
"If you love someone, tell him or her. Forget about the rules or the fear of looking ridiculous. What is truly ridiculous is passing up on an opportunity to tell someone that your heart is invested in him or her". I again only found this quote just the other day. But it spoke to me so strongly, because it is exactly how I think. I have always wondered why people (including myself) are so afraid of showing their feelings and thoughts. I think it's because it makes us vulnerable...easy to hurt. No one likes being in that state..but if we do not put ourselves out there every once in awhile, what will we gain?