Sunday, June 3, 2012


FINALLY! It's summer. The temp hit 107 degrees yesterday. It's official. Let the good times begin. Also, yesterday, Wyatt, his friend Jake, & Kenzie, & I went to the lake kind of at the last minute. I got my....3rd? Sunburn. Ha..hopefully it doesn't come back to bite me in the butt years from now. 

I got thinkin the other day...and if I were to move to any where but here, I wouldn't know how to cope in the summer. For 1, it wouldn't be nearly hot enough. And second, this town is the best to spend summer in! There's so much to do. The lake. Hiking. Camping. Splash Pad ha. Sooo many things! You guys, I just love Stg. I'm never leaving. Ever. 

I can just feel it..this summer is going to be one of the best ones yet. Amy & Kiri come home. Which means good times for sure! I'm overly excited to accomplish everything on mine and Amy's 2012 Summer Bucket list. It's going to be so great. 

Well, this post is really nothing...just me expressing my excitement for summer. ha. I feel it's really scatter brained too.....oh well ;)

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