Ladies and Gents. Brothers and Sisters..
Today starts the weekend of Spring General Conference.
I am so excited to hear from our Prophet and his Apostles.
I wasn't always this way though.
I wasn't always exactly excited to sit through conference.
I was the person who sat through it because my family did,
because it was expected.
Like the Casey Musgraves song says,
"it doesn't matter if you don't believe, come sunday morning,
you best be there in the front seat, like you're supposed to".
That was me.
After years of struggling with my testimony,
and struggling with knowing who I am,
today I can say that I know who I am.
I know that this church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,
is the ONLY true church.
It is amazing how this gospel of Christ can change someone's heart.
It's said that people can't change.
This is an absolute lie.
Not only have I had a change of heart,
but so many individuals around me have.
I have witnessed people turn their lives around 100%.
This gospel performs miracles.
Some say it's hard to live the standards of the church,
correction, the standards of God.
But, in all honesty, it's harder to not live them.
Just like in school, you almost have to put in more energy
and effort to fail a class, rather than just doing your work and showing up.
We're all born with the light of Christ.
It's already inbred in us to be good.
It's the world around us that corrupts that.
We can't let that happen.
We have to keep ourselves on the path.
We have to keep holding on to the rod with a grip so tight,
that not even the jaws of life could pry our fist open.
If anyone is having a hard time with their testimony,
take the time to simply just research the church.
Simply by reading the scriptures, starting with the bible.
Don't go searching for your testimony,
go searching for the facts of the church.
Your testimony will come with your research.
I had the realization today, by the next conference
I will be starting my mission papers.
With tears in my eyes, I can tell you I look
so forward to preaching this true and perfect gospel.
I want to bring the world His light.
I want everyone to know the happiness I feel when I read my scriptures,
pray, go to church, etc.
There is nothing else like it.
I hope, through these next 3 sessions of Conference,
you will feel the spirit, and Christ's love.
I know I have.
I say these things, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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