Monday, August 12, 2013

I'm proud of where I live. Deal with it.

Today, at Cal Ranch I was checking out a customer at the Cash-wrap. They were ignoring my existence and talking amongst themselves.
I could tell they were mother and daughter. The daughter was looking for a place to live, and she told her mother "There's one up in Santa Clara...but.." and her mother replies "oh, the 'bad' place".
Being a native Santa Clara girl, I had to bite my lip pretty hard not to say anything. Trust me, if I wasn't at work, I would've.

What I'm trying to say here, is, STOP freaking dissing Santa Clara!
I've been raised in Santa Clara since I was a year old. I've loved every minute of it. What kills me is people tell me they think Santa Clara people are snobby, snotty, arrogant, rude, etc etc etc. Then, I tell them that I'm from Santa Clara, and how quickly they change their story!
They say "Oh, well not ALL of them are that way..."
And I so badly want to say "Oh, because you know every single person who lives in Santa Clara? Right. Of course."
The funny thing is, because I have been raised in Santa Clara, I've actually been taught to not be all of those things that people so easily accuse us of being. I've been taught to be kind, caring, charitable, loving. To treat strangers as an automatic friend. To just be freaking nice!

Granted, yes. I will jokingly say "ew Ivins.." or "Ew Hurricane..". But crap!
Both towns are great places to live!

What I'm saying here is, stop dissing on places you've never lived.
And by 'lived', I mean actually put forth effort to experience what it's like to live there.
I'm sick of the close-minded judgements.

K, that's all.

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