Holy shiznit. I haven't blogged in so long! I guess that's what happens when you actually have a life ;)
Oh man, I've been pretty busy ish. School isn't kickin my butt, so I've got that goin for me, which is nice...(ha, name that movie). Uhm...Wyatt is now 14 years and 3 days old. I am 20 years 6 months and 3 days old. (we're six years and six months apart to the day, so his birthday is my half birthday and viseversa). I dunno, I'm just pretty much lovin life. My classes are great..I'm taking ZERO theater classes, and quite honestly, love it! That field obviously wasn't my forte. As a hobby? Definitely. As a profession? Eh, probably not. But more power to those who are a natural at that artsy fartsy kind of stuff.
I honestly don't even know why I'm blogging......I stayed up till like 2:30 last night playing Mario Kart with da Aimes. Came home and had a collision with my pillow. And now it's 9:00 in the morning and I'm just rambling on this post. My brain? Not on yet. Need. More. Sleep. Which I shall do once I've finished my rambling sesh.
Oh you know what? I love the church. It's so great. And my Bishop, Bishop Caplin is so cool! I like him. I like our whole bishopric. Okay, I'm so tired I feel like those wisdom teeth kids on youtube...I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING!!! Is this real life? Fetch.
I only have one more thing to say...
and that is....
Jesus is a Mormon.
Oh yeah, one more thing...when you're super tired, do you sometimes feel like you're smaller than you are? I feel really close to my computer right now...and I'm like 2 feet away from it.
Why does the computer keep underlining random words and making them white? Are you seeing this? I don't like it. It needs to stop, like now.
K, that really is all.
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