So. I'm sitting here bummin out. Playing on facebook, youtube, and pinterest (the 3 best sites man has ever made). I take a break. And it's just one of those days where I have a lot of thoughts in my head. So, I think to myself...what have I honestly learned from my 20 (and a half) years of living?
Well, lads and it is.
I've learned....
-That there is a huge difference between 9:59am and 10:00am.
-That there's not enough common sense in the world.
-There's not enough morals, either.
-There's a lot of sadness, but a lot more joy.
-That the minute you turn 18, credit card companies want to steal your soul.
-After high school, you learn who your real friends are. And that they're keepers for life.
-Not to stress the little you didn't get your laundry done today. (unless you're out of underwear..then it might be alright to stress a little.)
-Sometimes it's okay to just sit around the house all day and do nothing, the body needs it.
-There's no need to be out every friday night with friends. Because, sometimes, it's just nice to stay in and watch a movie (preferably a chick flick)
-So what if you're not the fastest're at least running. You're not sitting on the couch eating potato chips.
-To take more time to see the world around you. I'm not saying travel..I'm saying. Look at the beauty that's already around you. By doing this, in my opinion, you become closer to God, and you more fully understand why you're here.
-Don't be afraid to take risks. Because quite frankly....we only have like 80 ish years to live. And I'm already down to 60 years...(if I live that long!) so, live, and regret nothing. But don't be an idiot.
-Oh, and's a bunch of bull. You live forever.
-Don't rush things, it's better to take your time.
-Captain crunch is always better with crunch berries. No questions asked.
-Everyday is a good day..only if you choose it to be.
-Happiness really is a choice.
-Tacos are delicious.
-Being yourself is the best thing you can be.
-You should never play leap-the-frog with a unicorn.
-Treat everyone with kindness..because you never know when someone is gonna shoot up the place. If you're nice to them, they won't shoot you. Simple as that.
-Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason.
-If you like someone, tell them. Because, more than likely, they feel the same. (unless you know for a fact they don't...then don't tell them. That's just awkward, yo.)
-Have goals. They make life easier.
-Have opinions.
-Be educated.
-Pink really is a great color.
-Don't bag on other people's tastes. Even if they are weird.
-If someone gives you a compliment, accept it. Because, by you rejecting it, you're rejecting that person's opinion and taste, which isn't very nice.
-Stay true to who are, and don't change for friends, a boyfriend/girlfriend. Because it just aint worth it.
-Oprah is a freak.
-Dr. Phil is da shiz.
-Perfumes...are quite lovely (:
-Don't forget your past. Because, you are who you are today, thanks to your past.
-Don't freak about the future...because there's no point in freakin out. Ever.
-Less is more.
-Hunter Hayes is beautiful. (look em up, youtube.)
Alright kids, I gotta stop, or else this post will be FOREVER long.
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