Sunday, July 28, 2013



So, I really haven't written on this blog for quite some time! 

I figured I should do an update...cause everyone and their mother has 
been askin' me what I'm doin, where I'm at, etc etc. 

So here's the deal, guys...

Many of you know I quit Pizza Factory, for many reasons. 
And moved on  to Swig! 
Which was the best choice, ever!
I still work at Cal Ranch, I consider the ranch my first job. 
I LOVE working at Cal (: I work with so many amazing people. 
Everyone has a different story. 
Different personalities. 
And I love 'em all! 
Plus, ya know, A LOT of cute cowboys come in ;) haha.

I've received my first real calling as an adult!
I'm a primary teacher! For the CTR 7. 
I team teach with Sister Katie Gubler.
And it is so much fun!
We teach 4 adorable little girls. 
Love every single one of them!

I'm still preparing for my mission (: 
Only 2 ish months before I start my papers!
I can't believe it's almost here, already! 
I'm freakin out! 
But I'm SO excited!
Granted, I'm nervous as well, 
but whenever I'm feeling doubtful,
I just talk to those who know me best 
(mom, and Kenz), and they reassure me. 
What else are best friends for? (:

Gawl, that's all I can really think of! 
Thanks to you all for being so great!


  1. I didn't know you where going to go on a mission! That's awesome! Congrats!

  2. Thanks so much girl! (: I'm so excited!!
