Wednesday, July 31, 2013


So, I'm on this serious spiritual high right now...

I've been reading missionary letters all night.
Talking about missionaries.
Trying to pick what song I'm gonna sing in
Sacrement a few weeks from now.
Pinteresting LDS things.
Having thoughts of the 2nd coming.
Thinking about my mission.
Thinking about how excited I am to finally go!
 (It's getting so much closer, I start my papers in October,
which is only like 2 months away....gah!!)
Thinking of how amazing it will be to finally meet Christ and Heavenly Father.
 Also, thinking about His plan for me.
 He really has it all figured out.
When I'll leave on my mission, when I'll come back.
When I'll meet Mr. Right.
When I'll have kids. etc etc etc.
It's so crazy to me.
He knows everyone's lives.
He knows everyone's thoughts.
Everyone's desires, and wishes.
He knows it all, you guys!
I can't even fathom His power.
Isn't it incredible that He shares just a bit of a portion with the men around us?
When I stop and think about it, that our Priesthood holders are holding God's power,
it takes me a second to really understand how special it is. 
The Priesthood power is just so common here in Utah,
so you kind of take it for granted.
But, imagine not having it........
I don't even want to imagine it!
I love all of the blessings we receive because of it.
It's amazing.
I'm so thankful for this church.
I don't like to think of how everything in my life would be different without it.
I would be living a completely opposite life.
I know it.
I, also, know that my parents sleep better now that I have embraced the gospel. haha. ;)
I can't even imagine the torment and worry they've been through.
I worry about my baby brother making decisions, and he's just my sibling.
I'm their daughter! Their flesh and blood...and I put them through such worry!
It really wasn't fair of me. 
It's funny...I feel like a completely different person than who I used to be.
When I think about it, it feels like I'm watching a cartoon, or a sitcom.
It's so weird.
I think so differently know.
Everything is positive, and upbeat.
I know who I am. And what my purpose is.
Gaaaah. Okay. Enough of this mush gush rant!

I obviously need to go to bed, I feel like my thoughts are all over the place.

That's all. (:

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