Thursday, August 30, 2012


This was in an email I had just received today. And since no one emails anymore, I'm blogging it. This was just too 'bam,in your face!" for me not to repost it. I love it. 
And, I don't think you have to dislike Obama to agree with this either. Because, it's only stating facts.
Barack Obama,
during his  Cairo speech, said:
"I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of  America 's history."


Dear Mr. Obama:

Were those Muslims that were in  America when the Pilgrims
first landed? Funny, I thought they were Native American Indians.

Were those  Muslims that celebrated
 the first Thanksgiving
day? Sorry again, 
those were Pilgrims and
Native American Indians.

Can you show me one Muslim
 signature on the United
States Constitution?

of  Independence ?

Bill of

think so.

Did Muslims fight for
 this country's freedom
 from England ? 

Did Muslims fight during the 
Civil War to free the
slaves in  America ? No, they did
not. In fact, Muslims to 
this day are
still the largest traffickers 
in human slavery.. Your own half-brother, a devout Muslim, still advocates slavery himself, 
even though Muslims of Arabic 
descent refer to black
Muslims as "pug nosed slaves." 
Says a lot of what the Muslim world really thinks of your
family's "rich Islamic heritage," doesn't it Mr. Obama?

Where were Muslims during the Civil Rights era 
of this country? 
Not present.

There are no pictures or media 
accounts of Muslims walking
side by side with Martin 
Luther King, Jr. or
helping to advance the cause 
of Civil Rights.

Where were Muslims during this country's Woman's Suffrage
era? Again, not present. 
In fact,devout Muslims demand that women are subservient
to men in the Islamic culture. 
So much so,that often they 
are beaten for not wearing the
'hajib' or for talking to a 
man who is not a direct family
 member or their husband.
Yep, the Muslims are all for 
women's rights,aren't they?

Where were Muslims during 
World War II? 
They were aligned with 
Adolf Hitler. 
The Muslim grand mufti himself 
met with Adolf Hitler,
reviewed the troops and accepted support from the Nazi's 
in killing Jews.

Finally, Mr. Obama, where were 
Muslims on Sept. 11th,
2001? If they weren't flying 
planes into
the  World  Trade  Center , 
the Pentagon or a field
in  Pennsylvania killing 
nearly 3,000 people on
our own soil, they were 
rejoicing in the  Middle East . 
No one can dispute the pictures
shown from all parts of the Muslim world celebrating on CNN, 
Fox News, MSNBC and other
cable news networks that day. Strangely, the very "moderate" 
Muslims who's asses you bent
over backwards to kiss in  Cairo ,  Egypt on June 4th were stone cold silent post 9-11. 
To many Americans, their silence has meant approval
for the acts of that day.

And THAT, Mr.Obama, is the 
"rich heritage" 
Muslims have here in  America ..

Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to mention 
the Barbary Pirates.
They were Muslim.

And now we can
add November 5,
 2009 - the slaughter of American
soldiers at  Fort  Hood by a 
Muslim major who is a
doctor and a psychiatrist who 
was supposed to be
counseling soldiers returning 
from battle in
Iraq and  Afghanistan ..

That, Mr. Obama is the 
"Muslim heritage" in  America.
Someone get this fool out of office. ROMNEY! 



Muslim Heritage, my ass.
And if you don't share this message, you are part of the problem!


Monday, August 27, 2012


COLLEGE. How I love you, but hate you at the same time. You better be worth it. That's all I have to say. 

I'm loving this semester so far. My schedule is wonderful. On Mondays and Wednesdays I have Kung Fu at 11:00. Then Spanish at 2:00. Then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have American Sign Language at 9:00. And Spanish again at 2:00. And NO classes on Friday! I love it. Only 2 classes each day plus a couple online classes...HEAVEN. Oh, and I've changed my major to something that I know I will absolutely enjoy. I want to be a Personal Physical Trainer. Now, I know I have a long ways to go, kinda. I need to get in tip top shape. But, I'm already on that road. And I'm doing great! Plus, I believe it only takes 2 years of schooling? I have yet to talk to a counselor to learn about it. Which I REALLY love that part. ;) And for the future, when I have children, I can Personal Train at home. I don't have to work at a gym. I can work at home and be with my kids. It's perfect.

That is all.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


I've been talking with a dear friend of mine tonight...she out of no where asked me 'What is your favorite hymn? And why?'. Ladies and gents, I am so grateful to have a friend who is so spiritual and thoughtful. This young woman has depth and perspective. I love her. She takes her friendships seriously, like we all should. 

To answer her question, I said 'I Know My Redeemer Lives'..and why? It's a bit mushy gushy, but it's what I feel, and I've added to it, but ya know....I said "It just speaks to me. And it's exactly how I feel. Every line. Especially the lyric saying 'He lives to wipe away my tears', this phrase gets me every time I hear it. Because, I'm the kind of person that never cries in front of people. I hardly cry at all...but when I do, oh man, get out the umbrellas. Because when I do I let it all out, and it's always when I'm alone. But, I'm also the kind of person that wants someone to comfort me when I'm bawling my eyes out. Which, when I'm having these melt downs I always think of that lyric....because He is with me, in that moment. With His arms around me, telling me that everything is alright. Because He loves me...and it's just that simple."

I've just been on a bit of a spiritual low lately...I'm not saying that I'm struggling with my testimony or anything...I'm saying that, I just get down when things are stressful and dramatic..I forget about saying my prayers and such things because my mind is overwhelmed. But, this conversation that I'm having with my lovely friend is exactly what I've needed. God sends us angels. And most of the time, they're in the form of friends.

Monday, August 6, 2012


I've been thinking lately..everyone has a 
different perspective about the church. 
It then made me think....what is everyone's 
favorite part about the church? 

Well, this is what I did...I texted and facebook 
messaged a few of my friends and asked them
 "What's your favorite part of the church?"

This is what they said

'The happiness and hope it 
gives me.'-Amy Nicholls

'Family together forever'-Austin Hall

'Fast and testimony meeting'-Carlee Sargent

'I think knowing that death 
isn't the end'-Kenzie Welker

'The atonement. For sure.'-Derek Baker

'That families can be sealed.
 And you'll have them 
forever.'-Katelyn Niepraschk

'My favorite part of the church is how it 
brings people together who are so different. 
We are united through common beliefs. 
I love being able to have a place where everyone
 already has so much in common even if they haven't 
met each other yet. It's really comforting to know 
that no matter where you go, there's always a 
place for you.  I also love hearing different 
perspectives on things and hearing personal 
experiences that have helped shape others into 
who they are. Testimony meetings are so great. 
Mostly, I love the hymns. 
If you really pay attention to what 
you're singing and you take a step back and look
 at everything, it's such a cool experience. 
The words of every different hymn hold a 
story of sorts that apply to our lives, 
even though most of them were written back 
in the day of Joseph Smith. 
Good music is so important.
In D&C 25:12 it says 'The song of the righteous
 is a prayer unto me.' That is a perfect
 reminder of how blessed we are. We have a
 Heavenly Father who listens to us and is aware
 of everything we do while we are on this 
earth.'-Aubrey Housekeeper

'Um...the closeness you 
feel to Christ!'-Julia Bell

'Feeling the spirit, remembering 
and family!'-Kaitlyn Pallas

'The fact that it is completely personal, 
but utterly universal.'-Levi Neely

'My favorite part of the church is 
having the holy ghost. It’s a blessing 
we take for granted.'-Madi Riggs

'Haha um probably fast and 
testimony meeting :)'-Mica Mangum

'Probably service:)'-Shalei Miller

'Umhh. I love the way I feel when I walk 
through the doors. I feel like all my worries 
and cares of the world are left at the door and
 I feel at peace. I love the security that
 I feel. I love the amazing welcome I feel with 
people that are surrounded by me and the love 
of Christ we are there to share.
I love not being judged because I’m not perfect
 and they love me for that. 
Overall I love the chance I get once a week to 
give one day to my heavenly father and
 feel the peace in my heart because 
I’m doing the right thing I’m at the 
right place.:)'-Tess Stevens

'CAS! Hmm... Probably the peace I feel 
right as I walk 
in the doors. :)'-Courtney Chalmers

'Gospel side is the Atonement and 
knowing that I have a big brother who 
has already fought all 
my bullies and shared all my tears.
Organization side is that no matter 
where you go, you have an instant family. 
No matter where we could move to, 
we would automatically find someone at 
church we connected 
with that shared the same value system.
Service side is definitely the funeral
 potatoes.'-Mama (Rhonda Brinkerhoff)
'The feeling that I get when I have the 
spirit with me and the way that the spirit 
testifies to me!
And the cute good ol LDS boys
 of course!!!! ;)'-Lexie Esplin

After receiving everyone's answers, 
it made me think 'what is MY favorite 
part of the church?'
My favorite part about the church accepted. 
Having guidelines for my life. 
If I didn't have those, I would 
be all over the place. 
I can't express how much I love the whole church. 
The happiness it brings me is abundant...
the best thing in my life. For sure.

Reading all of these different answers 
and perspectives,
 it's really amazing to me that
 we all see it differently, but we all 
believe in the same thing. 
We all are united, because we know that 
this church is true! 
It's wonderful. Just wonderful.

That is all.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


I have a couple of things I would like to talk about...(:
My ranking of importance right now in life is...1. God. 2. Family. & 3. Friends. With these three things, it's sure happiness.

This has just been floatin in my head for the past couple of's something my mom said to me. NoW to preface this, I've always been sensitive to how people treat other people. It kills me to see people being treated horribly...I can't stand it. Well, my mother and I were having a talk about such things and she said to me "I wish people would realize that whenever they hurt someone else, they're hurting Christ." This touched my's beautiful. 

Speaking of mom, lets add dad and Wyatt in there. I love my family. They're so weird...but awesome. Especially my little brother...he's such an adorable stud. I call him bibi (baby) and then immediately rub his head. I'm pretty sure he hates that..but I don't care! He's just so darn cute. And sweet. The other night I was going down to get a drink with my mom late at night and Wy called my mom, asked for me and said "Hey...I just wanted to let you know I love you." Precious right? He'd probably kill me if he knew I was blogging about this...ha oh well.

About 3 months ago I prayed to know who my friends are. That answer became abundantly clear through a few different experiences. I'm not bitter to those I've lost..I am only grateful for those who have stayed by me.  You guys, I don't mean to brag, actually yes I do, but I have some pretty darn awesome friends. They're all hilarious. Thoughtful. Smart. Kind. And beautiful. I can't even tell you how much I love them. They make my life.  I can't even express to you how awesome they are....and how wonderful the adventures I have with them. For example...going to Denny's at midnight with Kenzie Welker and over filling ourselves with pancakes and hash browns, it's the best! Or, being completely stupid with Amy Nicholls, just last night I got a text from her at like 1:00 ish in the morning saying 'There's something on your doorstep...", so I of course go to my doorstep, and there lie a One Direction folder! I almost fainted. I was quite over joyed. Also, having story time with Melissa Gali is something I look forward to all the time, can't wait till she gets back from Hawaii! Oh! I haven't known her that long, but I freaking love her guts, Carlee Sargent. She makes me laugh so much! 
Anyways, I just have really cool family & friends, there's many more memories with many more people...but that would take me too long to type!

Well, that is all.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I don't know what it is...I don't know if it's my family, if we're just being over dramatic, or if something in the universe is out to get us and has taken form in the shape of people. Stupid people. We all have been verbally attacked over THE stupidest things in the past few months...I just don't get it you guys. All of us try our hardest to be nice to EVERYONE. Even if someone is the biggest Douche Bag we know, we're still nice to them. Because that's the Christian thing to do. I mean we'll be minding our own business, living our own lives, and BAM... Someone has something to say about us, and they act like a 14 year old...I mean come on, my brother is almost 14 and he acts more mature than these people.  It really is so stressful. It makes you second guess everything about your life. I've come to the conclusion that God is only testing us...why? I have no idea. But, He works in mysterious ways. So there has to be a lesson to learn from all of this. But what is it? I hope we get it some time all of this nonsense can stop. 

You go ahead and mess with me all day long, I can take it. But, if someone messes with my family..I get so territorial. So protective. I'm to the point that if one more person messes with my family, I will hunt them down and give them a piece of my mind/fist. I'm so sick of over dramatic and immature people!

"Treat everyone kind, for everyone is fighting a tough battle."  Why can't everyone keep that in mind? Why can't everyone look at a person and realize he or she is a child of God? And that everyone has trials..whether they be big or small.  I just don't understand how people can be so's horrible.

I honestly just want to move away. Start fresh. No strings attached.

That is all.