Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I don't know what it is...I don't know if it's my family, if we're just being over dramatic, or if something in the universe is out to get us and has taken form in the shape of people. Stupid people. We all have been verbally attacked over THE stupidest things in the past few months...I just don't get it you guys. All of us try our hardest to be nice to EVERYONE. Even if someone is the biggest Douche Bag we know, we're still nice to them. Because that's the Christian thing to do. I mean we'll be minding our own business, living our own lives, and BAM... Someone has something to say about us, and they act like a 14 year old...I mean come on, my brother is almost 14 and he acts more mature than these people.  It really is so stressful. It makes you second guess everything about your life. I've come to the conclusion that God is only testing us...why? I have no idea. But, He works in mysterious ways. So there has to be a lesson to learn from all of this. But what is it? I hope we get it some time all of this nonsense can stop. 

You go ahead and mess with me all day long, I can take it. But, if someone messes with my family..I get so territorial. So protective. I'm to the point that if one more person messes with my family, I will hunt them down and give them a piece of my mind/fist. I'm so sick of over dramatic and immature people!

"Treat everyone kind, for everyone is fighting a tough battle."  Why can't everyone keep that in mind? Why can't everyone look at a person and realize he or she is a child of God? And that everyone has trials..whether they be big or small.  I just don't understand how people can be so's horrible.

I honestly just want to move away. Start fresh. No strings attached.

That is all.

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