Monday, August 6, 2012


I've been thinking lately..everyone has a 
different perspective about the church. 
It then made me think....what is everyone's 
favorite part about the church? 

Well, this is what I did...I texted and facebook 
messaged a few of my friends and asked them
 "What's your favorite part of the church?"

This is what they said

'The happiness and hope it 
gives me.'-Amy Nicholls

'Family together forever'-Austin Hall

'Fast and testimony meeting'-Carlee Sargent

'I think knowing that death 
isn't the end'-Kenzie Welker

'The atonement. For sure.'-Derek Baker

'That families can be sealed.
 And you'll have them 
forever.'-Katelyn Niepraschk

'My favorite part of the church is how it 
brings people together who are so different. 
We are united through common beliefs. 
I love being able to have a place where everyone
 already has so much in common even if they haven't 
met each other yet. It's really comforting to know 
that no matter where you go, there's always a 
place for you.  I also love hearing different 
perspectives on things and hearing personal 
experiences that have helped shape others into 
who they are. Testimony meetings are so great. 
Mostly, I love the hymns. 
If you really pay attention to what 
you're singing and you take a step back and look
 at everything, it's such a cool experience. 
The words of every different hymn hold a 
story of sorts that apply to our lives, 
even though most of them were written back 
in the day of Joseph Smith. 
Good music is so important.
In D&C 25:12 it says 'The song of the righteous
 is a prayer unto me.' That is a perfect
 reminder of how blessed we are. We have a
 Heavenly Father who listens to us and is aware
 of everything we do while we are on this 
earth.'-Aubrey Housekeeper

'Um...the closeness you 
feel to Christ!'-Julia Bell

'Feeling the spirit, remembering 
and family!'-Kaitlyn Pallas

'The fact that it is completely personal, 
but utterly universal.'-Levi Neely

'My favorite part of the church is 
having the holy ghost. It’s a blessing 
we take for granted.'-Madi Riggs

'Haha um probably fast and 
testimony meeting :)'-Mica Mangum

'Probably service:)'-Shalei Miller

'Umhh. I love the way I feel when I walk 
through the doors. I feel like all my worries 
and cares of the world are left at the door and
 I feel at peace. I love the security that
 I feel. I love the amazing welcome I feel with 
people that are surrounded by me and the love 
of Christ we are there to share.
I love not being judged because I’m not perfect
 and they love me for that. 
Overall I love the chance I get once a week to 
give one day to my heavenly father and
 feel the peace in my heart because 
I’m doing the right thing I’m at the 
right place.:)'-Tess Stevens

'CAS! Hmm... Probably the peace I feel 
right as I walk 
in the doors. :)'-Courtney Chalmers

'Gospel side is the Atonement and 
knowing that I have a big brother who 
has already fought all 
my bullies and shared all my tears.
Organization side is that no matter 
where you go, you have an instant family. 
No matter where we could move to, 
we would automatically find someone at 
church we connected 
with that shared the same value system.
Service side is definitely the funeral
 potatoes.'-Mama (Rhonda Brinkerhoff)
'The feeling that I get when I have the 
spirit with me and the way that the spirit 
testifies to me!
And the cute good ol LDS boys
 of course!!!! ;)'-Lexie Esplin

After receiving everyone's answers, 
it made me think 'what is MY favorite 
part of the church?'
My favorite part about the church accepted. 
Having guidelines for my life. 
If I didn't have those, I would 
be all over the place. 
I can't express how much I love the whole church. 
The happiness it brings me is abundant...
the best thing in my life. For sure.

Reading all of these different answers 
and perspectives,
 it's really amazing to me that
 we all see it differently, but we all 
believe in the same thing. 
We all are united, because we know that 
this church is true! 
It's wonderful. Just wonderful.

That is all.