I have a couple of things I would like to talk about...(:
My ranking of importance right now in life is...1. God. 2. Family. & 3. Friends. With these three things, it's sure happiness.
This has just been floatin in my head for the past couple of weeks..it's something my mom said to me. NoW to preface this, I've always been sensitive to how people treat other people. It kills me to see people being treated horribly...I can't stand it. Well, my mother and I were having a talk about such things and she said to me "I wish people would realize that whenever they hurt someone else, they're hurting Christ." This touched my heart...it's beautiful.
Speaking of mom, lets add dad and Wyatt in there. I love my family. They're so weird...but awesome. Especially my little brother...he's such an adorable stud. I call him bibi (baby) and then immediately rub his head. I'm pretty sure he hates that..but I don't care! He's just so darn cute. And sweet. The other night I was going down to get a drink with my mom late at night and Wy called my mom, asked for me and said "Hey...I just wanted to let you know I love you." Precious right? He'd probably kill me if he knew I was blogging about this...ha oh well.
About 3 months ago I prayed to know who my friends are. That answer became abundantly clear through a few different experiences. I'm not bitter to those I've lost..I am only grateful for those who have stayed by me. You guys, I don't mean to brag, actually yes I do, but I have some pretty darn awesome friends. They're all hilarious. Thoughtful. Smart. Kind. And beautiful. I can't even tell you how much I love them. They make my life. I can't even express to you how awesome they are....and how wonderful the adventures I have with them. For example...going to Denny's at midnight with Kenzie Welker and over filling ourselves with pancakes and hash browns, it's the best! Or, being completely stupid with Amy Nicholls, just last night I got a text from her at like 1:00 ish in the morning saying 'There's something on your doorstep...", so I of course go to my doorstep, and there lie a One Direction folder! I almost fainted. I was quite over joyed. Also, having story time with Melissa Gali is something I look forward to all the time, can't wait till she gets back from Hawaii! Oh! I haven't known her that long, but I freaking love her guts, Carlee Sargent. She makes me laugh so much!
Anyways, I just have really cool family & friends, there's many more memories with many more people...but that would take me too long to type!
Well, that is all.
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