Thursday, August 16, 2012


I've been talking with a dear friend of mine tonight...she out of no where asked me 'What is your favorite hymn? And why?'. Ladies and gents, I am so grateful to have a friend who is so spiritual and thoughtful. This young woman has depth and perspective. I love her. She takes her friendships seriously, like we all should. 

To answer her question, I said 'I Know My Redeemer Lives'..and why? It's a bit mushy gushy, but it's what I feel, and I've added to it, but ya know....I said "It just speaks to me. And it's exactly how I feel. Every line. Especially the lyric saying 'He lives to wipe away my tears', this phrase gets me every time I hear it. Because, I'm the kind of person that never cries in front of people. I hardly cry at all...but when I do, oh man, get out the umbrellas. Because when I do I let it all out, and it's always when I'm alone. But, I'm also the kind of person that wants someone to comfort me when I'm bawling my eyes out. Which, when I'm having these melt downs I always think of that lyric....because He is with me, in that moment. With His arms around me, telling me that everything is alright. Because He loves me...and it's just that simple."

I've just been on a bit of a spiritual low lately...I'm not saying that I'm struggling with my testimony or anything...I'm saying that, I just get down when things are stressful and dramatic..I forget about saying my prayers and such things because my mind is overwhelmed. But, this conversation that I'm having with my lovely friend is exactly what I've needed. God sends us angels. And most of the time, they're in the form of friends.

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