Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I'm not going to lie. 
October is here, and I'm freaking out.
Because, it's time to start my mission papers!
Guys, this is real life. 
No jokes. 
This is it. 
I'm making the next big step in my life,
 in just a few days! 
I plan on meeting with my bishop this 
Sunday to get started. 
It's all just real now. 
Instead of saying "I'm planning on a mission" 
I can now say
"I'm going on a mission!"

I've had several moments of 
"holy crud. It's here. It's here already!"
Kind of like those moments you have to 
remind yourself that you're an adult.

Don't get me wrong, 
although I'm freaking out, 
I'm super excited!
I can't believe I'll have this 
amazing opportunity!
It will be the best 18 months of my life. 
I already know it. 
I just have to get there without 
anymore freak outs!
Thankfully, I have my mom, 
and a few RM friends that talk me through it.
And thankfully I have friends who are out
 in the field right now, 
who I can write to and ask all 
the dumb questions.
Like, "How long do you have to
 get ready for the day?" 
(Yeah, I know. I'm such a girl. 
I worry about that stuff, okay!)
And what kind of shoes works best?
And blah blah blah. 


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

For the girls (:

Some of the things I've learned during my years of dating. 
Mostly, my opinions and beliefs,'s applied to many situations.

First, if you would not want a son exactly like him,
 then why waste your time?

When meeting a guy, you'll more than 
likely start to text each other. 
Because that's how today's 
dating world works.
If he asks you things, or talks about 
things that he would not 
say in person,
either have the guts to call
 him on it and then drop that relationship 
like a bad habit.
Or, just drop it like a bad habit. 
A man who does not respect your privacy, 
or his own for that matter, 
is not a man, and is immature. 

But, if things go well, and he wants to get together...

Do not accept "hanging out" as a date. 
Especially, if it will be your first time getting together. 
It's important to go in to public with the him,
 to see how he treats others.
It's a good idea to go to dinner, 
and notice how he treats the servers/other customers. 
Of course he's treating you well, he likes you...

And of course, the age old rule. 
Never, NEVER kiss on the first date. 
The first date is designated for getting to know 
each other better, and see
if the other person is 
even worth your time
Why muddle those decisions with
such complications? 
Uhh no thank you. 
And, you don't want him getting the wrong idea. 
You're not a..
On that note, if he even tries to kiss you on the first date, 
probably not the right guy for ya. 
Of course, some situations are the acception. 

-He's Just Not That Into You
Honestly, just watch this movie. It's pretty great.
But, isn't that line completely true?
Stop wasting your time trying to get a guy 
to ask you out, like you,
pay attention to you.
He doesn't notice, and it only makes you look desperate

Last but not least...

Confidence is 
Be nothing but, confident. 

Watch this link. Ashton Kutcher will tell ya what's up. (:

That is all.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

One Last Fam Vaca!

We went on one last Family Vacation before I start my mission papers, and leave! 

We went to 

aaaand the 

We had a blast! 
We went to the fair on friday,  
and Lagoon on Saturday. 

At the fair we were able to get a picture with
Ma and Dad in front of the building they met at (:
The Boot Boogy!


Also, we saw a ton of Carnies.
So that was entertaining.

Lagoon was awesome! 
It started to rain a couple hours into the day,
everyone started to leave.
But, who were the die hards who wouldn't go home?
That's right.
With everyone leaving, we walked right on to rides!
It was the best. 
 We played some games and Wy won me this beaut...
It's so fluffy!!

Aaaand I won this tiny little thing...

We had so much fun (: 

I am very grateful for the opportunity to go on one last Vacation with
my wonderful family!! 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Just calm down.

Today, I was thinking...
Uh oh, I know.

I was remembering something I saw on the 
internet a few years back, 
it said something like...
"Chivalry is gone because some women like doors 
being held open for them, 
but then others will freak and feel offended if 
a door is held open for them. 
So, now guys don't know what the crap to do. 
They can't win."

Well. This was my thought...and this goes for guys and girls..
Instead of trying to base what you do 
around the girl/guy you're
liking at the moment, 
just do what you do, 
and when you find 
someone who likes that, 
There you go. 
Meant to be. 

I just see so many people plotting and scheming on how to get
a guy/girl to like them. 
It really drives me insane!
Just be yourself, 
love life, 
and just sit back and enjoy the ride!

Another thing, you don't have to have a 
significant other to be 'happy'.
It's a mind set. 
Either you choose to be happy, 
or you choose to be miserable. 
I'm just so sick of everyone's lives revolving 
around finding 'the one'.
Honestly, the best things come when you're not looking.

Monday, August 12, 2013

I'm proud of where I live. Deal with it.

Today, at Cal Ranch I was checking out a customer at the Cash-wrap. They were ignoring my existence and talking amongst themselves.
I could tell they were mother and daughter. The daughter was looking for a place to live, and she told her mother "There's one up in Santa Clara...but.." and her mother replies "oh, the 'bad' place".
Being a native Santa Clara girl, I had to bite my lip pretty hard not to say anything. Trust me, if I wasn't at work, I would've.

What I'm trying to say here, is, STOP freaking dissing Santa Clara!
I've been raised in Santa Clara since I was a year old. I've loved every minute of it. What kills me is people tell me they think Santa Clara people are snobby, snotty, arrogant, rude, etc etc etc. Then, I tell them that I'm from Santa Clara, and how quickly they change their story!
They say "Oh, well not ALL of them are that way..."
And I so badly want to say "Oh, because you know every single person who lives in Santa Clara? Right. Of course."
The funny thing is, because I have been raised in Santa Clara, I've actually been taught to not be all of those things that people so easily accuse us of being. I've been taught to be kind, caring, charitable, loving. To treat strangers as an automatic friend. To just be freaking nice!

Granted, yes. I will jokingly say "ew Ivins.." or "Ew Hurricane..". But crap!
Both towns are great places to live!

What I'm saying here is, stop dissing on places you've never lived.
And by 'lived', I mean actually put forth effort to experience what it's like to live there.
I'm sick of the close-minded judgements.

K, that's all.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Chance Slaymaker. Rest In Peace.

My heart hurts.

My cousin, Chance Slaymaker.
He took his own life on August 1st, 2013.
Chance was only 14.
My brother's age.

I'm not sure what to write.
I'm still having trouble comprehending that this is real.
I really don't want to believe it.
In my head it's all a cruel joke.
But, I know it's not.

All I want to say is,
Chance, we miss you terribly.
Our hearts are broken.
I hope and pray you're happier on the other side.
Give everyone up there a big hug, from all of us.
I love you Chance. We all do.

Friday, August 2, 2013


Yesterday, August 1st 2013, Amy Nicholls, Shalei Miller, 
Kenzie Welker, and myself, met 

For those of you who are not familiar with this fantastic man, he has, for quite a few years now,
made videos on youtube. Now, before you dismiss what I'm saying
because you hear 'youtube', 
this man, Olan Rogers, has changed the way I have seen life. 
Before I found him on youtube, I dunno, life was just something we did. 
Now, life is something we LIVE. 
He is an amazing example of pure jubilation! 
And positivity. 
He really knows how to live life. 
Not to mention, he's freaking hilarious!
Watch his videos.
You'll see. 

Here's our adventures yesterday (:

He named his meet up tour 'Eat a Slice With Me'. 

Just waitin in line, havin a blast! (Mostly freaking out though)
He gave every single person a free piece of pizza, Jones soda, and Justin's peanut butter cups. He had that many sponsors, and more! What a good guy!

He's so cool. He put up signs in the line giving words of encouragement for the wait. (:
Half way.
He hugged every single person! He's that awesome.
We're all a little starstruck...
heart, it hurts. gahhh
Signing my shirt!
Talking about his bloody lip that some girl gave him, when she hugged him.
Signing Wyatt's shirt!
We took pictures for Greg Hollingsead!
Shalei can't even right now!
Shay got to live her dream and dance with him! SO HAPPY FOR HER!!

This day was definitely one for the record books. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


So, I'm on this serious spiritual high right now...

I've been reading missionary letters all night.
Talking about missionaries.
Trying to pick what song I'm gonna sing in
Sacrement a few weeks from now.
Pinteresting LDS things.
Having thoughts of the 2nd coming.
Thinking about my mission.
Thinking about how excited I am to finally go!
 (It's getting so much closer, I start my papers in October,
which is only like 2 months away....gah!!)
Thinking of how amazing it will be to finally meet Christ and Heavenly Father.
 Also, thinking about His plan for me.
 He really has it all figured out.
When I'll leave on my mission, when I'll come back.
When I'll meet Mr. Right.
When I'll have kids. etc etc etc.
It's so crazy to me.
He knows everyone's lives.
He knows everyone's thoughts.
Everyone's desires, and wishes.
He knows it all, you guys!
I can't even fathom His power.
Isn't it incredible that He shares just a bit of a portion with the men around us?
When I stop and think about it, that our Priesthood holders are holding God's power,
it takes me a second to really understand how special it is. 
The Priesthood power is just so common here in Utah,
so you kind of take it for granted.
But, imagine not having it........
I don't even want to imagine it!
I love all of the blessings we receive because of it.
It's amazing.
I'm so thankful for this church.
I don't like to think of how everything in my life would be different without it.
I would be living a completely opposite life.
I know it.
I, also, know that my parents sleep better now that I have embraced the gospel. haha. ;)
I can't even imagine the torment and worry they've been through.
I worry about my baby brother making decisions, and he's just my sibling.
I'm their daughter! Their flesh and blood...and I put them through such worry!
It really wasn't fair of me. 
It's funny...I feel like a completely different person than who I used to be.
When I think about it, it feels like I'm watching a cartoon, or a sitcom.
It's so weird.
I think so differently know.
Everything is positive, and upbeat.
I know who I am. And what my purpose is.
Gaaaah. Okay. Enough of this mush gush rant!

I obviously need to go to bed, I feel like my thoughts are all over the place.

That's all. (:

Sunday, July 28, 2013



So, I really haven't written on this blog for quite some time! 

I figured I should do an update...cause everyone and their mother has 
been askin' me what I'm doin, where I'm at, etc etc. 

So here's the deal, guys...

Many of you know I quit Pizza Factory, for many reasons. 
And moved on  to Swig! 
Which was the best choice, ever!
I still work at Cal Ranch, I consider the ranch my first job. 
I LOVE working at Cal (: I work with so many amazing people. 
Everyone has a different story. 
Different personalities. 
And I love 'em all! 
Plus, ya know, A LOT of cute cowboys come in ;) haha.

I've received my first real calling as an adult!
I'm a primary teacher! For the CTR 7. 
I team teach with Sister Katie Gubler.
And it is so much fun!
We teach 4 adorable little girls. 
Love every single one of them!

I'm still preparing for my mission (: 
Only 2 ish months before I start my papers!
I can't believe it's almost here, already! 
I'm freakin out! 
But I'm SO excited!
Granted, I'm nervous as well, 
but whenever I'm feeling doubtful,
I just talk to those who know me best 
(mom, and Kenz), and they reassure me. 
What else are best friends for? (:

Gawl, that's all I can really think of! 
Thanks to you all for being so great!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


As some of you know, I no longer work at Pizza Factory Express.
I received a better job opportunity, where I knew I would be happy.
Long story, short...I work at Swig! :)
Yesterday, was my third day of training. I LOVE IT!

I am grateful towards PF for keeping me employed for the past year.
Working there has taught me valuable life lessons, that I needed to
learn to be able to grow and mature.
But, the time to move on to better things has come.
It's time to learn more life lessons. And to have new realizations.

I am excited to see what this new adventure will bring.
I have a feeling it's going to be great! :)

Here's to a new start!

Monday, June 10, 2013


The last week with no music, and working out every day...well... I of course got some sort of infection on my tonsils, so that took me out for a couple of days for working out.

But, the listening to church music and such went very well (:

Anyway, this week I will read my scriptures every day, and continue to work out every day as well. Since I wasn't able to accomplish that last week (:

This is gonna be good (:

Sunday, June 2, 2013


So I'm sitting in Stake Conference. And I just got to thinkin of how I still have so much I need to improve about myself. So, every week I'm gonna try and give myself a new challenge. Spiritually, and physically.

This week, my spiritual challenge is to listen to Motab while I'm getting ready in the morning, instead of watching Deadliest Catch/How I Met Your Mother, etc etc. And on my way to both jobs I will leave the radio off. Basically, a music fast. (:

Physically? Get up in the morning and exercise! If not in the morning, before I go to bed. I've got to get in shape for my mission!

Ya know, when it comes to improving yourself, it's hard. But so rewarding. And completely worth it. (:

Here's to a new week!

Thursday, April 25, 2013


I need to write. 

I need to write down some things I am grateful for. 

I have a full heart, and I must share.

First, the amazing Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I am entirely blessed to be a member of this true and perfect church. 
Without it, I would be lost. I would not know who I am. 
I wouldn't know what I would be doing with my life.
Thanks to this wonderful church, I do know who I am, 
where I stand. I know what I'm going to do with my life,
at least for the next couple of years. Which go on a mission!
May I tell you how excited I am? THERE AREN'T WORDS!!!

Second, My family. 

Dad, who always helps me fix my dumb car...I would be walking to 
work if it wasn't for his help. My dad is the best. I know that he loves
me. And I love my Daddy! (: I know sometimes we get a little snippy 
with each other, but I think it's only because we're so alike. Although,
I mostly look like my mom. I take after my dad, a lot. Brown eyes. 
Easy tan skin. The way I rest my hands is even the same. I remember
when I was little, like day-care little, he would pick me up in his big red
construction truck. Always munchin on sunflower seeds, and listening to 
the song "I like it, I love it" by Tim McGraw. Yes, that will be the song
my dad and I dance to at my wedding. Don't even get me started on that,
I have to force myself not to cry when I think of saying bye to my Daddy
on my wedding day. For him to hand me off to another man to take care 
of me. I'm scared, but look forward to it. It's bitter sweet. 

Mom. She is the amazing. My has always been there for me, through 
everything. She is the epitome of unconditional love. I have put her 
through a lot of crap throughout my teenage years and plus some.
I'll never be able to take back those years of me being such a brat, 
and I regret it whole heartedly. Assuming my mom reads this,
I just want to say I'm sorry. You know I'm not good at expressing
any emotion, whatsoever. So please know, that this is from the bottom
of my heart. I love you mama. And I'm sorry. 
A song from Lauren Alaina "Like My Mother Does"...some of the 
lyrics are....
"People always say I have a laugh
Like my mother does
Guess that makes sense
She taught me how to smile

When things get rough
I've got her spirit, she's always got my back
When I look at her I think
I want to be just like that

When I love I give it all I got
Like my mother does
When I'm scared, I bow my head and pray
Like my mother does

When I feel weak and unpretty 
I know I'm beautiful and strong
Because I see myself
Like my mother does"

That always comes on at work and it always makes
me feel homesick. Even though I live at home,
I can't get enough of home. 

Wyatt. He is my best friend. I love him so much!
He is my big little brother. Such a stud. I can't believe
he's 6 foot! He's growing up so fast. And man, 
he's a heartache already. All the girls love him.
Whether he wants to admit it or not. ;)
Other than his studly looks, he has such an amazing 
heart. Way back when he was just a little guy, like 3 or 4, 
the whole fam damily went up north to see the temple
lights or something like that. When we were leaving
we noticed this homeless guy who was missing his leg.
While the rest of us just kept walking to the truck,
Wyatt started to cry and insisted that we take some 
money to him. So my dad took him over, and Wyatt
handed him a couple of bucks. At least that's how I 
remember it. Wyatt has always had a tender heart like 
that. I have learned so much from him.

Now onto friends..(:

Amy, Amos, Aimes, Bridget, Pain...Amy and I have been
best friends for 15 years. We're pretty proud of that fact. 
We have so much fun together. From making movies,
to just driving around randomly jammin out to 1D, there's
never a dull moment..even when just sitting on the couch 
watching T.V. (:

And Tia..(: I haven't known Tia for too long. Maybe a half a year.
She honestly is such a good person and great friend. We laugh
at THE stupidest things, but it's the best. We have this little
wind up car that some kid left behind at the PF. We play with
it often. It's quite fun. I'm so glad I had the chance to meet her!
Work isn't the same without her when she's not there! 
I love Tia!! (:

Okay, now both of my jobs..

Pizza Factory...even though there are some frustrating times,
it's really a great job. Great people (: And great customers....
most of the time. haha

Cal Ranch...even though I've only been there like a week and 
a half, I already feel like I belong. I already have friends there. 
It's so great! I love it! I can't wait to see what is to come (:

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Ladies and Gents. Brothers and Sisters..

Today starts the weekend of Spring General Conference. 
I am so excited to hear from our Prophet and his Apostles. 
I wasn't always this way though. 
I wasn't always exactly excited to sit through conference. 
I was the person who sat through it because my family did,
because it was expected. 
Like the Casey Musgraves song says, 
"it doesn't matter if you don't believe, come sunday morning,
you best be there in the front seat, like you're supposed to".
That was me.

After years of struggling with my testimony,
and struggling with knowing who I am,
today I can say that I know who I am.
I know that this church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,
is the ONLY true church. 

It is amazing how this gospel of Christ can change someone's heart.
It's said that people can't change.
This is an absolute lie
Not only have I had a change of heart,
but so many individuals around me have. 
I have witnessed people turn their lives around 100%.
This gospel performs miracles. 

Some say it's hard to live the standards of the church,
correction, the standards of God. 
But, in all honesty, it's harder to not live them.
Just like in school, you almost have to put in more energy
and effort to fail a class, rather than just doing your work and showing up.
We're all born with the light of Christ.
It's already inbred in us to be good.
It's the world around us that corrupts that. 
We can't let that happen.
We have to keep ourselves on the path.
We have to keep holding on to the rod with a grip so tight, 
that not even the jaws of life could pry our fist open. 

If anyone is having a hard time with their testimony,
take the time to simply just research the church.
Simply by reading the scriptures, starting with the bible.
Don't go searching for your testimony,
go searching for the facts of the church.
Your testimony will come with your research.

I had the realization today, by the next conference 
I will be starting my mission papers. 
With tears in my eyes, I can tell you I look
so forward to preaching this true and perfect gospel.
I want to bring the world His light. 
I want everyone to know the happiness I feel when I read my scriptures,
pray, go to church, etc.
There is nothing else like it. 

I hope, through these next 3 sessions of Conference, 
you will feel the spirit, and Christ's love. 
I know I have. 

I say these things, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


It hurts to lose friends.

Especially, when they choose to abandon you because
you're not afraid to say how it is. Or, they can't take
a simple joke, and holds an irrational grudge.
Or, because it's just not convenient any more.
Or, because you are who you are, and will not back
down from a fight if it means defending yourself.

Well, here's what I have to say.

I will not apologize for speaking the truth.
I will not apologize for having a sense of humor.
I will not apologize for having self respect.

I have done all I can to try and repair a mess
that isn't my doing.
I have apologized for things that weren't mine
to apologize for.
I'm done, now.

All of the ugly things that happen with 'friends',
makes me only more grateful for the true and good
friends I have. The friends that won't mind if I
speak frankly out of love. Especially, when they
do the same for me. The friends that are always
my friend, through good and bad.
The friends who will laugh with me, not at me(:
The friends who are supportive.
The friends who love me for me.

I love my friends ladies and gents.
I may not see them every day.
But, I still love their faces (:

May we all find at least one true friend.
Because, life would certainly be dull without them.

Monday, January 28, 2013


I haven't blogged for a bit...

What to blog about??

I'm not exactly sure.

How about this?

I was watching a Dr. Phil the other day (of course).  
And the topic for that episode was girls who literally hated the way they look.  
When in fact, they were gorgeous, and flawless. 
I felt sad for these girls. 
I couldn't help but think what the media does to us girls, 
and the expectations they hold us up to. 
There are so many, it's ridiculous. 

"But, I think the first real change in women's body image came 
when JLo turned it butt-style.
That was the first time that having a large-scale situation in
 the back was part of mainstream American beauty. 
Girls wanted butts now. 
Men were free to admit that they had always enjoyed them.
And then, what felt like moments later, 
boom---Beyonce brought the leg meat. 
A back porch and think muscular legs were now widely admired. 
And from that day forward, women embraced
their diversity and realized that all shapes and sizes are beautiful. 
Ah ha ha. No. I'm totally messing with you. 
All Beyonce and JLo have done is add to the laundry list 
of attributes women must have to qualify as beautiful. 
Now, every girl is expected to have Caucasian blue eyes, 
full Spanish lips, a classic button nose, hairless Asian skin with a California tan, 
a Jamaican dance hall ass, long Swedish legs, 
small Japanese feet, the abs of a lesbian gym owner,
 the hips of a nine-year-old boy, the arms of Michelle Obama, and doll tits. 
The person closest to actually achieving the look is 
Kim Kardashian, who, as we know, 
was made my Russian scientists to sabotage our athletes." 
-Tina Fey
 As thankful as I am that big butts and leg meat are 'in' 
(because we all know I got some junk in the trunk)..
a certain body type shouldn't be 'in' or 'out'. 
We're all beautiful. 
Whether you have a thin body with lengthy arms and legs, 
or a short body with chunky arms and legs, 
or if you're as fit as Jillian herself...
we are ALL beautiful. 
We shouldn't obsess over what we look like, our weight, 
our hair color, eye color....the list goes on and on. 
And as cheesy and cliche as it sounds, the true beauty comes
 from within. Hence why a smile is the best make up. 

I want every girl and woman to realize how 
beautiful they really are.
It breaks my heart when one of God's daughter
doesn't believe in herself. 

 That is all.   

Thursday, January 10, 2013

2013…WE'RE BFFS.

Dear 2013,

You and I, we're going to be great friends. You are my year.
This year, is going to be different. My life is going to change for the better.
For the first time for a long time, I am truly happy. Happy with where I'm at.
Happy with my relationships. Happy with my spirituality. Just HAPPY!
2013, at the end of this year, I will be submitting my mission papers. 
I can't express to you how excited I am!! Like I said, you're my year!
 It's going to be so great. I can't wait to see what you bring to my life.

Thanks 2013!
