I'm not going to lie.
October is here, and I'm freaking out.
Because, it's time to start my mission papers!
Guys, this is real life.
No jokes.
This is it.
I'm making the next big step in my life,
in just a few days!
I plan on meeting with my bishop this
Sunday to get started.
It's all just real now.
Instead of saying "I'm planning on a mission"
I can now say
"I'm going on a mission!"
I've had several moments of
"holy crud. It's here. It's here already!"
Kind of like those moments you have to
remind yourself that you're an adult.
Don't get me wrong,
although I'm freaking out,
I'm super excited!
I can't believe I'll have this
amazing opportunity!
It will be the best 18 months of my life.
I already know it.
I just have to get there without
anymore freak outs!
Thankfully, I have my mom,
and a few RM friends that talk me through it.
And thankfully I have friends who are out
in the field right now,
who I can write to and ask all
the dumb questions.
Like, "How long do you have to
get ready for the day?"
(Yeah, I know. I'm such a girl.
I worry about that stuff, okay!)
And what kind of shoes works best?
And blah blah blah.