Today is my Grandpa Tanner's birthday. He passed away a couple of years ago, along with my Grandma Tanner. They died 9 days apart from each other...that, in my opinion, is a wonderful love story..which I know still continues(:
I've just been thinking about how much I miss my grandparents. A lot of people really miss their loved ones around Thanksgiving, Christmas, ya know, the holidays. But, the times when I miss my Grandpa and Grandma the most is around the 4th of July. We used to go up to their ranch in Grouse Creek, Utah. I have so many good memories. From watching movies all day, to burning holes in plastic lawn chairs with hot dog roasters with my cousin Chaz. One of my favorite memories of my Grandma took place up in Grouse Creek. There was a bird's nest on top of the awning over the front porch. The mother had abandoned her baby bird...when I heard it chirping for help I started to freak out for hours. I was so panicked. I went to bed in tears that night because I was so stressed about it. In the morning, I woke up to my Grandma on a ladder feeding the baby bird..she saw how distraught I was, and took care of the problem. To this day, whenever I see a bird's nest I think of that memory.
I have two memories that come to mind when I think of my Grandpa. The first was probably 6 months before he passed..I was home for lunch with a few friends. He had unexpectedly dropped by to give my dad something. My dad wasn't home so he just gave it to me. Now, before I finish, you have to understand that people in our family aren't very touchy feely. Okay, back to the grandpa started to turn around and walk away, but something told me to stop him and give him a hug. So, I did. Little did I know that was one of the last hugs I'd ever give him. The second memory took place just a couple of months before he and my Grandma passed. My mom, dad, brother and I were up at their house, gathered around the kitchen table. I was finishing up some homework from English class, when my Grandpa looked over and said "Cas. You have very neat handwriting. Good for you."..I don't know why this meant so much to me. It just did. So, as you can imagine, every time I write a paper, or write in my journal..I think of him. I'm blessed to of had such great Grandparents. I miss them so much. I can not wait to reunite with them one day.