Wednesday, July 18, 2012


As some of you know, I've had some drama in the last 24 hours...some unnecessary and very annoying drama. And it's all due to some rude people who have made false accusations and judgements. This, my dear friends, is why you DON'T judge..because you only look like a jack knob. Don't assume that you know everything about someone, like where they come from, what their heritage may or may not be, unless you ABSOLUTELY know. And that means that you've heard it come out of that person's mouth. NOT from someone else. Or yourself...

I've had accusations and judgements thrown at me about being a poser and a fake...a fake of what? Of being a country girl. Let me clarify for everyone who is confused. I have NEVER claimed to be a 'cowgirl', I do not own cows or horses, I do not live on a ranch (although, I dream of it) or a farm. Therefore, I am not a cowgirl. I have only ever claimed to be a 'country girl'. Being country means you love and respect your country. You know how to treat people (especially if you're a man, you know how to treat women, whether she be your girl or not). You know what you believe and stand for, and you're not afraid to say so. You're stubborn. You take pride in being an American. You love your family and would do absolutely anything for them. You stand up for yourself. You know that boots, a hat, and plaid doesn't make someone country. It's their attitude, and the way they look at life. The way they look at their own life. You believe in God. And you believe that this nation is His..'One nation under God'. You ain't afraid to admit that you believe in God...whether it be in a room full of Christians, or a room full of Atheists. You go to church. You don't take no crap, from anyone, whether you've been friends with them since kindergarten, or if you've just met them. And lets not forget, you listen to country music non freaking stop. You love Jason Aldean, Brad Paisley, Sugarland, but also know and love the country pioneers, Patsy Cline, George Strait, you know. You love country music, but don't limit yourself to just that, you love pop artists too, Bruno Mars, etc. A country boy or girl has the courage to step in front of bullet to save a friend or family. You  know how to shoot a gun, and love it. You ain't afraid to get dirty. You know and love your animals. You love children. You have respect for the older generation. You never litter, because you respect the land you live on. You believe 'honesty is the best policy', even when it's hard to tell the truth.You have integrity. Honor. You are always polite. You remember your manners, but you will easily drop them to teach someone what's what. You will never find a country girl waiting for someone to take of her, because she already knows how. You're a daddy's girl/mama's boy. You wear cowboy boots, not all the time, because you're secure enough to know who you are without them. You love to go fishing..because you appreciate the quietness of nature.  THAT my dear friends, is what it means to be COUNTRY.

Here's an interesting little tid bit, I found the 'definition' of a country girl. It describes on what she may appear like... "Takes pride in what she does. loves country boys...wranglers,cowboy boots,hat,dusty,long hair,brown eyes..".....funny how all of them describe me.

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