Friday, July 6, 2012


Everyone wants something out of life. What do I want? Just to be successful in what ever makes me happy. 

What is that? Photography. Theater. Writing. Singing. Guitar. 

Other things I want, is to eventually settle down. Start a family. But, in the immediate future, I want everyone I know to know how I feel about them, and what they mean to me. I want to know what I mean to them. I want to take photos, and lots of them. I want to make beautiful things, even if no one cares. I want to make new friends, old and young. I want every Pillow Pet. I want to continue to just be happy!

But, what about my far fetched and unrealistic wants? Well, I want everyone on this earth to believe in themselves. I want them to feel comfortable in their own skin. Because, it simply is one of the best feelings. I want people to stop lying. I want people to trust. I want to be a country singer. I want every child to have a wonderful childhood. I want every teenager to get through their high school years without ruining their innocence. I want every woman to understand men. I want every man to understand women. I want girls to stop believing they have to look "perfect". Because they're perfect the way they are..whether it be fat, skinny, tall, short, brunette, blonde, red head, black hair, white skin, black skin, yellow skin, brown're all perfect. Because God makes no mistakes. I want everyone to have faith in Him. I want everyone to believe in miracles, because they are one. I want my dad, my mom, and my brother to live forever, so I will never have to live without them. I want a written out road map of my life, so I know where to go, where to turn around, which cross in the road to take. I want world beauty...meaning, I want everyone to know they're beautiful, and one of a kind. I want drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, anything harmful to the body, to not exist. I want the world to be zebra printed. I love zebra print. I want no one to be homeless. I want every soldier to live through a war. I want to know what it means to have perfect faith. I want to know if all dog's really do go to heaven. 

After writing this, I realize I am very selfish and that I want too many things. But... it's just what I want....(:

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