Sunday, July 1, 2012


This is another pretty religious post. Like I said, I don't normally post about religion, because I feel religion is not something you boast about. It's a sacred and personal thing. If someone asks for more information, I'm more than happy to share. But, I'm not really a fan of choking others by shoving it down their throats. 


Ya'll. The past couple of weeks I've been noticing changes in myself. It all started a couple of sundays ago when I went to church by myself. I normally hate doing this, but, I just felt like acting like an adult that day..(rare, I know). So, I got all gussied up, and headed out to the Institute building. I was late, so I sat in the back. Man, can I just tell you? It was one of the best church meetings I've had. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends, and I love going to church with them. But, sitting by myself gave me time to reflect and think and ponder. It was wonderful. So, again, I went by myself the next week. Same experience. Absolutely lovely! 

Over these past weeks, I've been noticing that I actually get up and get ready for church without debating whether I want to go or not. I'm not sure what the change is, but I like it. I actually enjoy going. Instead of dragging myself out of bed, getting ready, and being tired and out of it when I'm there, I've actually been learning things! Novel idea, really.

I dunno, I'm just kinda on this random spiritual high right now. And, I'm likin it. (: 

1 comment:

  1. Really nice. I've got to try harder. Do you have any tips for me?
