So. I'm 20. Not that big of a deal...but it is. I have to constantly remind myself "I'm an adult...why are you coloring? Stop it." But you know what? Being a kid forever, sounds pretty good to me. We are now in the stage of know, being responsible and crap. I don't care who you are, it's terrifying, and you know it. Because, none of us know what the crap we're doing. I no longer have a 'teen' in my age. Granted, I've been 20 since March. But, it's still a shocker to me, because I still feel like I'm 18, fresh out of high school. Less annoying though ;) ha. Ever since I graduated I've been concentrating on finding the 'right' guy. But why? Could it be because that's what everyone is doing? Getting engaged, married, and just being happy. But, why must one have a significant other to be fully happy? Why can't single people be happy? I think that we can, because being independent is satisfying. Although, I still live at home, only because I'm so freaking poor it isn't even funny, I feel independent. Because I don't rely on other people to make me happy. I make me happy. God makes me happy. This beautiful and wonderful world we live in, makes me happy. Finding 'Mr. Right' shouldn't be our only reason to keep should be a goal. But it shouldn't overwhelm our thoughts every second of the day. Friends and family should take over those thoughts. If so, you won't feel down, or compared. You'll just feel....happy. A quote that I love from How I Met Your Mother (my guilty pleasure) is Marshall talking to Ted.."Ted, think about it this way. If you knew you were gonna lose your leg tomorrow, would you sit on the couch and cry about it? Or would you run, and jump, and do some awesome air kicks while you still could?"...For this post, what that means to me, is if we're gonna sit on the couch moping around because we don't have a boyfriend, then nothing is ever gonna happen! We have to get out there and do some awesome air kicks..meaning, we gotta get out of our normal bubble. We gotta go to college and such places to meet people!
We have to grab life by the reins, and just go with it.
I honestly have no idea why all of this has been running through my head this past week..maybe it's a sign? Maybe it's just me, being me. I dunno..who does, really? All I know is it's a pretty darn good motto to live by.
That's all.
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